The Players / Wonderful Guys (1980) - 松木恒秀

自分には難解に思える曲もありますが、なんといってもB2! A1. Second Sight 2. Wonderful Guy 3. Touch Of The Rainbow 4. Slush 5. Romance B1. […]

Cornell Dupree
Aretha Franklin / Let Me In Your Life (1974) - Cornell Dupree

やべえ、みんなDupreeに聴こえる! A1. Let Me In Your Life 2. Every Natural Thing 3. Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 4. I'm […]

Eric Gale
Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony / Disco Baby (1975) - Eric Gale

私事ですが、ディスコに行ったことはありません。 A1. Disco Baby 2. Fire 3. The Hustle 4. Get Dancin' 5. Doctor's Orders B1. Turn This M […]

Larry Carlton
The Crusaders / Scratch (1974) - Larry Carlton

全てがかっこいい名盤です。 A1. Scratch 2. Eleanor Rigby B1. Hard Times 2. So Far Away 3. Way Back Home The Crusadersの74年のライ […]

David T.Walker
Randy Crawford / Now We May Begin (1980) - David T. Walker

名唱と名演の名盤です。 A1. Last Night At Danceland 2. Tender Falls The Rain 3. My Heart Is Not As Young As It Used To Be […]

Robben Ford
Michael McDonald / If That's What It Takes (1982) - Robben Ford

しつこいぐらいソウルフルです。 A1. Playin' By The Rules 2. I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near) 3. Love Lies 4. I Gotta […]

Teressa Jonette ‎/ Teressa (1987) - 山岸潤史、土方隆行

80年代後半のギロッポンでのムードです。 A1. Dancing To The Beat 2. Word For Word 3. When You Whisper 4. Easy Loving You 5. Up B1. […]

水町理沙 / Spicy (1983) -松木恒秀?、松下誠

クレジットはありませんが・・・A3は松木さんですよね? A1. It Might As Well Be Spring 2. One Note Samba 3. Misty 4. Meditation B1. I'm Be […]

Eric Gale
L.A. Workshop With New Yorker / Norwegian Wood II (1989) Eric Gale

BeatlesカバーですがGuitarファン向けなのでは? 1. Julia 2. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 3. Eleanor Rigby 4. Anna (Go To […]

Larry Carlton
Bobby Bland / Dreamer (1974) - Larry Carlton

Carltonはどのプレイ?紹介にならずすみません・・・ A1. Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City 2. I Wouldn't Treat A Dog (The Way You […]
